UI events and interactions

Pose for Vue can be used to power and animate interactions. Currently, it supports the following events: drag, press, hover and focus.

In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at each.


With Pose for Vue, making an element draggable is as simple as passing draggable: true to the config:

const Box = posed.div({
  draggable: true

true sets both axis to draggable, but we can select a single axis to drag by setting it to 'x' or 'y'.


We can add boundaries to the range of motion with the dragBounds property.

It accepts top, left, bottom and/or right, measured in pixels or percentages:

const Box = posed.div({
  draggable: 'x',
  dragBounds: { left: '-100%', right: '100%' }


When a posed component is draggable, two new poses are fired.

While dragging is active, the drag pose takes effect.

const Box = posed.div({
  draggable: true,
  init: { scale: 1 },
  drag: { scale: 1.2 }

Note: A current limitation with the drag pose is you must leave transition undefined.

When dragging finishes, by default all values revert to their previous pose. Optionally, a dragEnd pose can be defined:

const Box = posed.div({
  draggable: true,
  init: { scale: 1 },
  drag: { scale: 1.2 },
  dragEnd: { scale: 0.5 }

You can use this pose to animate x and y, too. For instance, you could make the object spring back to its origin:

const Box = posed.div({
  draggable: true,
  init: { scale: 1 },
  drag: { scale: 1.2 },
  dragEnd: {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    transition: { type: 'spring' }


We can respond to drag start, drag end, and value change events to trigger updates in our UI.

You can attach listeners for the drag-start and drag-end events, as well as a map of listeners for each animated property to on-value-change:

    :on-value-change="{ x: log }"

import posed from 'vue-pose';

export default {
  methods: { log: console.log },
  components: {
    Box: posed.div({ draggable: true })


With pressable set to true, you can respond to mouse and touch down events with the press pose:

const Box = posed.div({
  pressable: true,
  init: { scale: 1 },
  press: { scale: 0.8 }

By default, when pressing ends, values will return to their previous pose. You can optionally set a pressEnd pose to override this.


We can respond to press start and end events with the press-start and press-end listeners:

  <Box class="box" v-on:press-start="log" v-on:press-end="log" />

import posed from 'vue-pose';

export default {
  methods: { log: console.log },
  components: {
    Box: posed.div({
      pressable: true,
      init: { scale: 1 },
      press: { scale: 0.8 }

You might prefer to use this over Vue’s in-built events because Pose’s event handling method avoids the annoying situation where a user presses an element, and only stops pressing once they’ve moved their pointer outside the element.

Those mouse-up/touch-end callbacks only fire if the pointer is still on the triggering element, whereas press-end will fire anywhere in the page.


Components can respond to hovers by settings hoverable to true. This will enable use of the hover pose:

const Box = posed.div({
  hoverable: true,
  init: {
    scale: 1,
    boxShadow: '0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)'
  hover: {
    scale: 1.2,
    boxShadow: '0px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'

By default, when hovering ends, values will return to their previous pose. You can optionally set a hoverEnd pose to override this.


Focusable elements can animate into the focus pose by setting focusable: true:

const Box = posed.input({
  focusable: true,
  init: {
    color: '#aaa',
    outlineWidth: '0px',
    outlineOffset: '0px',
    scale: 1
  focus: {
    color: '#000',
    outlineWidth: '12px',
    outlineOffset: '5px',
    outlineColor: '#AB36FF',
    scale: 1.2

By default, when hovering ends, values will return to their previous pose. You can optionally set a blur pose to override this.