React Pose has been deprecated in favour of Framer Motion. Read the upgrade guide

Custom transitions

With automatic animations, it’s easy to create snappy and playful animations just by defining poses.

But there’s plenty of instances where we want full control over our animation. For this, we can use the transition property.

Basic usage

Just like CSS, every pose can have a transition property. This property describes how each value should transition to its new pose:

  visible: {
    opacity: 1,
    transition: { duration: 300 }

If we’re animating multiple properties, we can optionally provide different animations for each by providing a named map.

  visible: {
    opacity: 1,
    scaleY: 1,
    transition: {
      opacity: { ease: 'easeOut', duration: 300 },
      default: { ease: 'linear', duration: 500 }

By default, if we define a transition, it’ll be a tween. This is an animation between two values over a specific duration of time.

By providing a type property, we can select a different animation to use:


Pose ships with five types of animation from Popmotion Pure. Tween, spring, decay, keyframes, and physics.


A tween animates from one value to another over a set duration of time.

transition: {
  duration: 400,
  ease: 'linear'


The ease property can be used to affect the speed of the tween over the course of its duration.

This property can be the name of a Popmotion easing function:

  • ‘linear’
  • ‘easeIn’, ‘easeOut’, ‘easeInOut’
  • ‘circIn’, ‘circOut’, ‘circInOut’
  • ‘backIn’, ‘backOut’, ‘backInOut’
  • ‘anticipate’

Or an array of four numbers to create a cubic bezier easing function:

transition: {
  ease: [.01, .64, .99, .56]

Full tween documentation


Spring animations maintain velocity between animations to create visceral, engaging motion.

It makes them perfect for animations that happen as a result of user interaction.

By adjusting their stiffness, mass and damping properties, a wide-variety of spring feels can be created.

transition: { type: 'spring', stiffness: 100 }

Full spring documentation


Decay reduces the velocity of an animation over a duration of time.

It’s a perfect match for the special dragEnd pose that fires when a user stops dragging something, as it can replicate the momentum-scrolling common on smart phones.

The end value is automatically calculated by Pose at the start of the animation, but with the modifyTarget prop, you can adjust this, allowing you to do things like snap to a grid.

transition: {
  type: 'decay',
  modifyTarget: v => Math.ceil(v / 100) * 100 // Snap to nearest 100px

Full decay documentation


Keyframes allows you to schedule a series of values to tween between.

transition: ({ from, to }) => ({
  type: 'keyframes',
  values: [from, 100, to],
  times: [0, 0.25, 1]

Full keyframes documentation


Physics allows you to simulate things like velocity, friction, and acceleration.

transition: {
  type: 'physics',
  velocity: 1000

Full physics documentation

Transition props

There are a number of other properties that can be used with any transition:


If set, will delay the execution of the transition by the specified amount:

transition: {
  type: 'physics',
  delay: 400


If set, will ensure values are capped to no less than min and no more than max.

transition: {
  type: 'keyframes',
  values: [0, 3, 10],
  min: 2,
  max: 9


If set to true, round will ensure that values output from the animation will be rounded.

transition: {
  type: 'spring',
  round: true